Mum and Dad have just visited for a few days which was awesome. They came up with their 4wd on the Ghan from Adelaide last Thursday. Unfortunately I couldn't get out of the office at the right time to wave them in with my white hanky. Next time maybe. We had an action packed weekend with them, getting out to see a few of the sights closer to town. Saturday we drove out through the East MacDonnell Ranges visiting Corroboree Rock, Trephina Gorge, Arltunga and (almost) Ruby Gap. Sunday morning we spent a few hours at the Desert Park, and then in the arvo took in a concert at the Telegraph Station. They started the drive back to Canberra Monday morning, and I believe are currently getting rained out in Mildura.
The rest of the week was fairly standard, but was highlighted by 3 not-so-standard occurances.
#1: Giant Flying Condom. Unfortunately the GFC doesn't show up too well in this photo taken from the office window - it's the tiny white blip top-centre. Supposedly it was a huge weather balloon that was being built for ages here, and launched that morning from out near the airport. The skys were pretty calm that day so it took ages to float away out of view. Also, it looked 'used'.

#2: The Traick. The only way to get around the bush. long as you only want to go North or South. I spied this speedy beauty the other morning whilst out riding. I just hope they timed it right (to miss the south-bound freight train)

#3: Exploding beer bottles! While loading the shopping on to the treadly at Coles the other night, I had the pleasure of having 2 beer bottles thrown at me. The first exploded just in front of me, the second flew passed and hit a parked car behind me. Nothing to do with me - they were meant for a porky white dude standing next to me. The exchange:
(Probably racist) white dude: "You drunk!"
(Probably drunk) black dude: "You racist!"
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