Kings Canyon.
What a rad place to spend a few days over Easter. Po and I piled our selves and our extraordinarily large esky in to the back of Jess and Geordies Suby and we hit the road. It's about a 300km drive SW of Alice, the middle 100 being dirt, and G kept us suitably entertained with his awesome driving (and Jess on the way back - thanks guys!). After arriving mid-arvo on the Saturday we set up camp and went for a drive to check out the deal-i-o. We managed to squeeze in the Rim Walk on dusk, which proved a magic time to do it. No flies, no tourists (except a few buzzing around up top in them whirly birds), perfect temps and magic light. (Damn, 'magic' twice. Ah well, it's a rad word).
The unfortunate flipside to this was that we had now exhausted our legal options for Kings Canyon.
Bring on the 'stealthwalk'!
I won't delve too much in to the meaning of our newly-coined pursuit. Suffice to say, Kings Canyon is a massive massive park with some amazing amazing things to see, or so we hear..
Now, with that done and dusted, it was time to hit up the town! Bring on $40 steaks and toneless renditions of 'Home Among the Gum Trees'! Yeehoo!

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