I had this pose for most of the week.

Kyoto. Great city. The most amazing mix of old and new. We stayed at the Gojo Guesthouse for the first few nights, then were lucky enough to move up to their Annex for the last 2 nights where we had our own balcony with views over the city.
Had a great night down by the river downing tinnies of Asahi.

Possibly the best thing on earth, the sushi train. This place is pretty famous for its handrolled sushi. Went back here a second time cause it was so good. Managed to rack up 20 plates which made for a slow waddle home.

Cruzing the streets on the Gojo bikes. Po looking very wise.

Breakfast of champions. Coffee in a can and pastry goodness.

Onsen at Kurama, just north of Kyoto. Nude photography is the next big thing.
beaut photos.
that pastry looks like you :)
that pastry is almost scary. but it looks to tasty to be scary.. mmm.. pastry.
noice piccies j!
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